Monday, August 22, 2022

Bertrand On The Move

It occured to me the other day that I've been relying too much on Uncle Barty to mentor the newly rejuvenated Bertrand, who, at nearly a year old now, is really not newly rejuvenated anymore.

Before original Bertrand, who eventually went to the place all toys must eventually go (even though I wasn't ready for his departure), was my constant companion; he accompanied me everywhere I went.

He was so adventurous that the friends of my children took him places, too, when he was raring to go, and I had to work.

So although Uncle Barty and Bertrand naturally spend lots of time together, I'll be gradually giving Uncle Barty a much deserved rest and letting Bertrand discover the world by tagging along with just the humans.

Because, really, the last thing I want/need is a co-dependent crocheted mouse.

Here are eight photos that show the original Bertrand on some of his pre-COVID adventures.

However, you'll have to look hard to find him in the eighth photo.

And then follow his Instagram page.

Happy Monday!


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