Monday, October 25, 2010

Getting There...

WHEW! What a crazy month!

Trying to work, homeschool, and run a household full of people and cats when ill and undergoing medical testing is difficult enough (more lab work this past weekend and PET scan today), but trying to make time for Bryony’s third round of edits was nearly impossible. I picked off the minor fixes first, then slowly began re-working the prologue and first four chapters. I felt overwhelmed. How would I get it done?

Then I was hospitalized for a few days. My twenty year old son Timothy hung out there with me. He had packed his college materials and both our laptops. I was stunned. No reason for him to slack off, but did he really think I felt like working?

On the other hand, I felt no sicker than I had at home, and I couldn’t use lack of time for an excuse. I had no deadlines to meet from the hospital. The going was slow, but I finished up those chapters.

There is only one component that my editor wants reworked, and I honestly didn’t know how to change anything without seriously compromising the character she likes (The reason why I saved this bit for last). Thankfully, had an idea for it this weekend, which I hope my editor likes. Hopefully, though, once I’m past this point, Bryony will be very close to publication.

I can’t wait!!!

Denise M. Baran-Unland

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