Monday, September 26, 2022

A Glimpse of Autumn

Until March 2020, my early morning walks were for me alone, a time to clear my mind before the day began.

But after Rebekah was furloughed that month, she started making healthier changes. So I invited her to walk with me. That's been our habit ever since.

Four to five days a week in the early morning before we start our work day, we walk and talk together.

As we walked and talked, I became aware of my surroundings in different ways, simply because Rebekah notices things I do not.

Coupled with the fact that Timothy keeps upgrading my phone include better and better cameras, I started noticing details in those walks I wanted to capture.

I'm no professional photographer by any means. But I've captured some scenes that make me smile.

Here are five of my autumn photos from 2020 and 2021. I hope they add a bit of warmth to the start of your week.

Happy Monday!

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