Monday, December 28, 2020

When You're NOT in Hot Water (and really want to be there)

After a really engaging three hours last night at the 5amwritersclub Virtual Holiday Cocktail Party, we (my family) wound up with a hot water emergency - at midnight!

Clue number one: When you jump into the shower with the settings just right (because you have turned those knobs exactly the same way thousands of times) and the water pelts you like sleet.

So it's definitely a late rising today - although it was so dark outside, it certainly didn't feel like it.

Fortunately, I'm off work until 2021, so a slow, slightly groggy day isn't impeding anything except a fluid list of personal projects I'm hoping to cross off my to-do list before I cross into the new year.

If you haven't checked it out (yes, I'm back with it), I'm running a special holiday promotion on BryonySeries books to help give back to a local independent bookstore that has supported local authors for decades and partnered with WriteOn Joliet for the last few years.

For details, visit

For the reason why I decided to offer it (which has little to do with capitalizing on the holidays), read this post.

And if you're not certain you wish to participate and want to browse excerpts from my fiction, go here.

And have a wonderful Monday! :)

Photo by Timothy Baran

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