Saturday, January 26, 2019

Limerick Lovers! This is an Event for You!

Come celebrate Calkins Day 2019 on Feb. 13 at the Book and Bean Cafe, 3395 Black Road in Joliet with a Limerick Off.

And what, might you say, is a Limerick Off?

It's basically an all-age competition (in teams, if we have enough people) to see who can deliver the most entertaining family-friendly limericks to attendees and cafe patrons.

You can bring original limericks, choose some of ours (printed out for you that night), look them up online during the competition and/or any combination thereof.

Extra points for originality and even more points if they praise Ed Calkins, the host for the night.

Not sure who Ed Calkins is and what Calkins Day is all about?

Then check out this link:

Oh, and Irish/St. Patrick/green/leprechaun-themed attire is encouraged but not mandatory.

Overall, it's a night to be creative and have some rhyming fun.

BTW, I have a really awesome flyer created by Maureen Blevins, but the PDF version won't post. I promise to share it when I have it in jpg form.

Until then, here is a photo from last year's Calkins Day event.

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