Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Pop-Up Christmas

 Greeting cards are so commonplace anymore that many people don't give them a second thought.

But I've always been one to carefully the consider the right card for the right person - and Rebekah is that type of person, too.

Ever since she discovered my delight for intricate and detailed pop-up cards, she gifts me with one (just because) so I can enjoy looking at it.

Perhaps it's because my godmother worked with miniatures that I delight in pop-up cards so much. Or because it's because my sister and I grew up playing with Kiddles and dollhouses.

Whatever the reason, I'm quietly thrilled with the Christmas pop-card Rebekah recently brought home. If I were to place its Victorian design in the BryonySeries world, I'd have to place it in Jenson.

So if you haven't read the series and have no idea what/where Jenson is, you now have an idea.

Either way, do scroll through and enjoy a bit of Christmas magic today.

Happy Tuesday!

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