Thursday, February 8, 2024

Bags and Croquet

This post has sat around in my draft folder since early September...and I'm not certain why, except 2023 was an extremely challenging year for my family: lots of deaths and medical things.

These pictures are from September 9, the day after Timothy's birthday and later in the day after WriteOn Joliet's radio performance at the Joliet Public Library.

Croquet and bags have a special place in our hearts.

I remember the backyard croquet set we had (and played) when I was a child. My sister and I had a tic-tac-toe bags game in our basement playroom, too.

We had croquet when my kids were growing up. Ron and I introduced croquet to the children in our Higher Ark Youth group (it was one of the games we played at the picnic grounds during our bike hikes).

We played bags at church picnics (our church owned a set).

So Timothy, Rebekah, Daniel, Cindy, and me played croquet and bags on September 9 by choice, because we like to spend time together and because any age and any skill level can participate.

While we were playing, I received a text from one of my stepsons that his aunt had died. As I said, it was that kind of a year. We had another death in mid-October, too. 

So we are still reeling from 2023, and 2024 is already off to an uncertain and anxious start.

But it's nice to know that, in the midst of crisis and gloom, moments of joy are still possible, as three photos do show.

Happy Thursday!

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