Monday, June 27, 2022

Angel or Demon?

"Angel or Demon?" is the name of the sixth chapter in the second installment of Before the Blood.

And in the third installment, one character pronounces another character an angel, while his brother takes the opposite assessment.

Circling back to that second installment, "Angel or Demon?" takes place before and after the third installment. All confusing, I know.

But the question speaks to the main character's own assessment in "Angel or Demon?" - and the fallout of that assessment.

Related to all of this, Timothy saw Kellen's "angel" in this coaster when he was away on a business trip. 

Naturally, he bought it and brought it home to me. It's lovely, isn't it? And it has a beautiful "craft" story of its own - and a message for all who read it.

So - scroll through the coaster's message. Maybe it's just what you need today.

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