Monday, May 3, 2021

"Bright" Morning Reflection

Easter Week in the Orthodox Church is called Bright Week.

And the "brightest" day of that week is Monday today.

When the kids were young, Bright Week was a vacation week for them (and me). As homeschoolers, we took the week off and just enjoyed the week.

I recall one Bright Monday where I spent most of the day reading in bed and nursing the baby (Daniel), surfacing long enough to grab some Easter food from the refrigerator.

We typically made enough Easter food to last several days. After all the work of preparing it and the time spent in extra services, we enjoyed the non-work of the resurrection.

Today, we are all at work, "bright" and early.

Today, we are no longer a homeschooling family, and we don't have the luxury of lounging for an entire week, much less a day

But "lounging" was never the point. It was to show the kids, in a tangible way, the "rest" of eternal life.

Although I'm not gonna lie. Lounging in bed reading was a wonderful way to pass a day.

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