Thursday, February 25, 2021

No Crows

So I was planning to share a cool video of crows I took a few weeks ago and now I can't find it.

And that, folks, was the blog I was planning to post today.

That now leaves me at posting time scrambling for words. So I'll just leave a few of them here and let you continue with your day.

It's been an adventurous week of procedures (one for my cat Midnight and one for me), the passing of someone from the community whom I really respected (which resulted in that being the last story I wrote before preparing for my said procedure, literally right up to the minute - I was honored to write it), and few unexpected and really precious blessings I didn't see coming.

But this is really the essence of life.

As much as we think we predict it with our schedules and routines, the next minute is not promised to us in the way we imagine it.

That doesn't mean we should sit at the end of our seats holding our breaths. I, for one, am not likely to get much done without a schedule and routine. Most of my life is done by rote because it gives shape and direction to my day.

And yet, how wonderful it is when life tosses a bit of wonder in our direction.

Don't you agree?

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