Thursday, September 15, 2016

BryonySeries Throwback Thursday: Assorted News from Munsonville (2011)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Assorted News from Munsonville

The Bryony team is busy! Here's what we've been doing:

* The author is working hard on her editorial notes and even pulled at twenty-four plus day last week before calling it a night (morning?). She hopes to finish by the end of the month, so more long days are ahead.

* The filming of the official Bryony book trailer and music video is scheduled for next week. In the meantime, we are feverishly seeking two men's Victorian suits.

* There is a possibility of a second music video in an historic theatre.

* James Onohan (Bryony's pianist/composer) has written several songs for the 10-song CD, The Best-Loved Compositions of John Simons (

* The author will be re-recording the audio documentary on vampires, hopefully this weekend.

* The Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids' Sake statistics are posted. The two Bryony teams--Just Steve and Stake and Blade--beat their $1000 goal by $105!

* We may have a sponsor for the Bryony cookbook.

* Almost 2000 Bryony business cards have been dispersed. They are FREE. To get yours, contact, and we will send some to you.

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