Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Writers Block Unblocked

I've had a stretch of writer's block that has lasted several weeks. No, I haven't forsaken writing, since it's my job, and yes, I'm still editing Visage.

Nevertheless, pounding out those sublime words and phrases has been especially challenging, and I'm not even certain why. In the past, a simple re-reading of my notes would be sufficient to pour the feature story or press release onto the page; a simple envisioning of Bryony's storyline could thrust me into Munsonville in a second's notice, and I'd happily hang about there for days and months at a time.

Lately, though all that composing and editing has been more chore than joy. Too often I stare at blank "new document;" Munsonville seemed as remote as Bouvet Island. Maybe, I wondered, I'd been writing so much, I'd used up every word combination my brain could muster.

Then, on Sunday evening, the fog lifted, the cloud passed, and my muse, which apparently had taken an extended vacation, returned, all refreshed, renewed, and ready for work.

God, I love my job! :)

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