Saturday, May 7, 2011

Is It Plagiarism If I Write About Myself?

That’s what Ed Calkins wanted to know when he called the other day.

He’s begun a novel about his alter ego, The Steward of Tara, but since he gave me legal, written permission to vampirize him for Bryony, he wasn’t sure if he was free to write about the character, even though the creation sprang from his imagination.

I assured him my privileges extended only to Ed Calkins the vampire, not Ed Calkins the person, and that he retained rights to his identity. Ed didn't expound on the the plot, so I can't wait to read what spin Ed takes on himself.

Now, if only Ed would write the IVA piece he suggested and promised weeks ago for the Bryony blog.

What’s the IVA? Well, it's so secret that I didn't know I was a member, much less an officer, until  Ed divulged it. You’ll just have to wait for Ed's submission.

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