Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Conversation With My Daughter Went Like This

Rebekah: What do you want for Mother's Day?

Me: Nothing.

Rebekah: Would you please stop being YOU for a day?

Me: Okay, I'd like some purple roses.

Rebekah: There's no such thing!

Me: Only the vampires in Bryony are make-believe.

And then I showed her where to order purple roses online and posted the link on Facebook. I received quite a few friend comments, ranging from "purple roses are painted "(they're not) to their "real" name (sterling roses), and why not order one if they're so expensive? (And that's a thought).

I first learned about purple roses while researching the mythical blue rose. The different "Language of Flowers" postings I have read say purple roses signify enchantment, making them the perfect signature tool for one of Bryony's vampires.

Even more fun was learning that my illustrator, Kathleen Rose Van Pelt of Imaginary Lines Studio ( used to sign her work with a rose. For both those reasons, I asked her to include a purple rose at the bottom of Bryony's cover design. I hope the publisher does not remove it when modifing the cover, since it's an important symbolism in Bryony, but I guess that's not my call.

And yes, while I'm disgustingly non-materialistic, making it difficult for family to buy for me, I'm longing to see one of those roses up close and bury my face in its fragrance.

Excuse me while I check the balance on my credit card.

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