Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ed Calkins Breaks His Silence

I had not heard from Ed in several weeks, so when I answered the phone yesterday and heard, "This is Ed!" I stifled a sigh and waited for the credit card sales pitch.

"Your character, Ed," he said. "I need your help."

I learned Ed has been working on a Bryony-based, downloadable game revolving around a limerick contest. He wanted feedback regarding symbolism and personality traits of the game's five main characters. Ed, of course, is the primary and most powerful character.

His biggest challenge? Modifying the game so it will interest people other than him. The other games he's created have only his enjoyment in mind.

Because some of my kids are dedicated gamers, Ed's counting on them serving as test subjects. He's hoping to have an initial model ready in two months.

Right now, he's stuck on the title. Should it emphasize his role as Steward of Tara or promote the Calkins Day Parade?

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