Friday, October 12, 2012

"The Gift," by Tom Hernandez

The Gift by Tom Hernandez


Suddenly a voice

broke the stillness

a gentle breeze, whispering:


“My children,

I wanted you to see eternal beauty

So I gave you Michelangelo’s dreams


I wanted you to feel purest peace

So I gave you children innocently slumbering


I wanted you to hear endless music

So I gave you the night, singing three-part harmony


I wanted you to learn faith and hope

So I gave you tomorrow


I wanted you to share forgiveness

So I gave you grace


I wanted you to believe in miracles

So I gave you spring’s first blush


I wanted you to understand the depths of total love

So I gave you the nails that held my son to a tree


But above all else, my dear children,

I wanted you to see Me, know Me

Love Me.


So I gave you each other.”


The Gift, is part of Tom Hernandez’s recently released poetry collection Abundance: A Collection. He is also the author of a book of essays, Chocolate Cows and Purple Cheese.


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