Tuesday, February 25, 2025

BryonySeries Irish Books and Ribbits at The Book Market

Be sure to pop into The Book Market in Crest Hill soon and check out the BryonySeries Irish vampire display.

We've curated seven books perfect for young adults and adults that are connected to Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, author and Irish vampire for the BryonySeries. (Ed may also be a member of the Irish Vampire Association, but the IVA is a secret association. Not even the members know who's a member).

Ed authored four of the books in our display, and he appears in all seven of the books.

Plus, we also have special prices on Cindy's Irish-themed Ribbit-Ribbits when paired with BryonySeries book purchases (while supplies last) - and a very special "pot of gold." See Janet Staley, owner of The Book Market for details and pricing.

Here's a peek at the books:

Denise M. Baran-Unland's Irish Genealogy, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: I'm not Irish. And this series of short, humorous essays by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, do not chronicle any part of my real genealogy. But they make for amusing reading.

Ruthless, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: Ed Calkins is bleeding to death and has seven seconds to create a son for a couple with the help of two others, who both live in his imaginary version of ancient Ireland and ruthlessly battle myth and his unruly imagination while time traveling.

The Fifth, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: Vampires in Munsonville elude the control of both the living and the dead. And five particular vampires cause most of the trouble - while five living beings are working to keep Beulah County safe. Can these five living players bring law and order to the undead world? Or will vampires consume the blood of every living creature till there are no more?

Recovering Ruthless, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: What will it take for an alcoholic to quit drinking, a compulsive gambler to quit betting, a vampire to quit biting, a farm to reemerge, a leprechaun to stay married, and an ancient order to reestablish? This is the story of a ruthless recovery.

Bryony, by Denise M. Barab-Unland: Grief-stricken after a terrible loss, Melissa and her family move to a remote fishing village to start a new life. Little does she realize that the dreams she's having are far more sinister - and have repercussions far beyond those dreams.

Visage, by Denise M. Baran-Unland: While grieving the abrupt end of her blood bargain with 19th century pianist John Simons, 18-year-old Melissa flings herself into a relationship with a college music professor, a man with a shady reputation and an uncanny resemblance to John.

Staked!, by Denise M. Baran-Unland: A teen music prodigy lives in a remote fishing village, works for a newspaper delivery uncle and a funeral director stepfather, has a princess in his mirror, and his father was staked by his best friend’s father. That's the old normal.

Maybe one of these books is right for you?

And for an extra bit of Irish luck Ed Calkins-style, consider pairing the book with a ribbit - or maybe even the entire pot of gold.

Happy Tuesday!

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