Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fifteen Minutes of AI Fame

When Timothy started revamping the BryonySeries website in 2018, he redesigned the calendar to be more than a listing of events.

Timothy turned the BryonySeries event calendar into an advent calendar-style of calendar, where I could place one activity per day that related to the BryonySeries: games, crafts, music, science experiments, and recipes.

It's a great idea...but that calendar takes an entire afternoon one weekend a month to create.

To add context to the activities, I always link back to the book that inspired it.

I typically link to the book on Amazon and do a quick Google search to find the link, since I'm creating twenty-eight to thirty-one unique posts each time.

Well, when I "googled" the book "Visage," this is what appeared (see image at bottom of post).

Naturally I screen-shotted it since that was unlikely to ever happen again.

What's especially fun about this is not that I appear "famous" - but that the shoutout is also given to those who contributed to this book.

Sarah and Rebekah did all the production work.

Matt created the cover and interior art.

Vicki and Colleen helped with the editing.

Recognizing this collaboration is why the BryonySeries website has never had (and never will have) an author page.

Instead, we have the BryonySeries "team" page (which we used to call the Board of Trustees, patterned after the series).

Yes, I wrote most of the BryonySeries books. But I haven't written all of the books. And I had help with some of the books I did write.

For instance, Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, has actually written four of the books.

And Timothy is the concept creator for all of the Cornell Dyer books - and has the final approval on how those stories are shaped.

Furthermore, all of the book art is original art by real artists.

We also have promotional products, helpers, volunteers, and tons of teamwork that takes the books and turns them into an experience for readers to enjoy.

That fifteen minutes of AI fame is not about ME.

It's about US.

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