Friday, February 28, 2025

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Feb. 22 to Feb. 28

Good morning!

I have ten feature stories to share with you today at the bottom of this post, with more stories going live this weekend, especially since I am working through the weekend (yes, again). So be sure to check back on The Herald-News site:

Before the stories I also have a list of additional updates, resources, and information. Please check them out, too.

And if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!

Event Updates

Calkins Day 2025 took place at The Book Market in Crest Hill and it was a wonderful celebration of laughter, imagination, generosity, and the release of "Recovering Ruthless," the third book in the BryonySeries Ruthless series by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.

The book display will remain up at The Book Market through St. Patrick's Day. And we now have some Irish-themed ribbit specials, that you can purchase at a discounted price with every book purchase.

Plus, I will be hanging out at The Book Market from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 4. So "march forth" and see me!

BryonySeries books-in-progress

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer: Cornell Dyer and the House of Horreur" (because the toymaker's last name is "Horreur.") is stalled until Timothy finishes his master's degree...which is today, HURRAY!

Brainy Ann: The fifth book in The Girls of the BryonySeries is outlined and the first chapter is written, hurray! Jennifer Wainwright, who welcomed her first child into the world last year, is nearly done with the cover portrait. I let this book slide for other BryonySeries projects. But I'm hoping to finish the book in 2025.

Jennifer designed the cover portraits for "Julie and the Too-Hard Homework," "Katie and the Big Fear," "Summer Sisters." and "Karla Joins In," as well as the frontispiece for "Lycanthropic Summer."

Bertrand the Mouse: I have tons of Bertrand photos and books in progress. The goal is to release at least two new ones this year.

Rebekah is also slowly (very, very slowly) updating the BryonySeries YouTube and Pinterest accounts. And she' catching up with Kindles for some of the BryonySeries books. So do watch for those.

For books and more information about the series, visit


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Wednesday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks, will be featured in an upcoming cookbook, or is just an "extra" we want to share with you.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues and two ways to attend meetings. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I haven't posted anything on Twitter/X (except a daily Bible verse) since September I can no longer schedule posts in advance. I'm not sure yet how to manage the account without that option. But you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I used to curated content relating to the BryonySeries on Twitter/X at @BryonySeries and still post assorted related content at, and themes of each book in the BryonySeries at

Again, not sure yet about the direction of the BryonySeries Twitter/X account. Still mulling that over.

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Midewin Prairie restoration halted due to federal funding freeze

Pause affects local jobs as payments stalled

Employees at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie let go by Trump administration speak out

Harsha Pandaraboyina: ‘I had planned to be with the forest service for decades’

Uncertainty colors local businesses' reaction to potential trade war

Most businesses are awaiting consequences, but not all forecast doom and gloom

UrgentVet opens Joliet location

New option for pets with non-life-threatening emergencies

Lockport venues offering Restaurant Week specials

Plainfield District 202 high schoolers to get 8th class period

Joliet family hosting fundraiser for pediatric cancer patients

Antonio Tinajero: ‘It’s a celebration of resilience, hope and the power of community'

University of St. Francis in Joliet names new president

Will County Pets of the Week: Feb. 24, 2025

Will County rescues have dogs and cats for adoption

5 Things to Do in Will County: A Gnome & Leprechaun Walk Into A Bar


Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Critical Community Episode 6 Meet Denise

Before you "meet" me, here's how I met Critical Grind.

I first learned about Critical Grind Game Board Cafe in Shorewood in 2023 the week Ron entered Lightways Hospice in Joliet and I was asked to write a business story for the following Monday.

Not sure how the week would turn out (Ron actually passed away that Friday night) and knowing I would need plenty of coffee to weather the unpredictable hours, I wrote this story: 5 Will County coffee venues you should try now.

From there, I became introduced to the Inkwells and Espresso writers networking community Critical Grind was trying to launch and invited WriteOn Joliet to hang out every other Saturday.

About a month ago, Critical Grind reached out to me, said it was starting a podcast, and would I be interested in recording an episode? 

Well, how could I refuse such a kind invitation, especially from a venue that's been so welcoming to local writers?

So without further commentary from me, please listen to Critical Community: Episode 6 - Meet Denise.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sue's Diner: Irish Soda Bread

As Timothy said, 2025 came into our lives like a wrecking ball, and we're still ducking and picking up the pieces.

In the meantime, we forgot to post and bake the BryonySeries version of Irish Soda Bread in time for Calkins Day on February 13.

What is Calkins Day? Here is a post that gives the basics.

Our recipe for Irish soda bread is featured in the BryonySeries cookbook Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," . 

That cookbook is a permanent fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties and features all the recipes referenced in the novel Bryony

But just because we missed baking and then sharing Irish Soda Bread with you for Calkins Day doesn't mean we still can't bake and post and share.

Irish Soda Bread is delicious for St. Patrick's Day, which is rapidly approaching - but not so rapidly that you won't have time to perfect this very delicious bread.

You may try the recipe for Irish soda bread on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website

But try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place.

If you have any troubleshooting questions or comments, email us at 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

BryonySeries Irish Books and Ribbits at The Book Market

Be sure to pop into The Book Market in Crest Hill soon and check out the BryonySeries Irish vampire display.

We've curated seven books perfect for young adults and adults that are connected to Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, author and Irish vampire for the BryonySeries. (Ed may also be a member of the Irish Vampire Association, but the IVA is a secret association. Not even the members know who's a member).

Ed authored four of the books in our display, and he appears in all seven of the books.

Plus, we also have special prices on Cindy's Irish-themed Ribbit-Ribbits when paired with BryonySeries book purchases (while supplies last) - and a very special "pot of gold." See Janet Staley, owner of The Book Market for details and pricing.

Here's a peek at the books:

Denise M. Baran-Unland's Irish Genealogy, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: I'm not Irish. And this series of short, humorous essays by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, do not chronicle any part of my real genealogy. But they make for amusing reading.

Ruthless, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: Ed Calkins is bleeding to death and has seven seconds to create a son for a couple with the help of two others, who both live in his imaginary version of ancient Ireland and ruthlessly battle myth and his unruly imagination while time traveling.

The Fifth, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: Vampires in Munsonville elude the control of both the living and the dead. And five particular vampires cause most of the trouble - while five living beings are working to keep Beulah County safe. Can these five living players bring law and order to the undead world? Or will vampires consume the blood of every living creature till there are no more?

Recovering Ruthless, by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara: What will it take for an alcoholic to quit drinking, a compulsive gambler to quit betting, a vampire to quit biting, a farm to reemerge, a leprechaun to stay married, and an ancient order to reestablish? This is the story of a ruthless recovery.

Bryony, by Denise M. Barab-Unland: Grief-stricken after a terrible loss, Melissa and her family move to a remote fishing village to start a new life. Little does she realize that the dreams she's having are far more sinister - and have repercussions far beyond those dreams.

Visage, by Denise M. Baran-Unland: While grieving the abrupt end of her blood bargain with 19th century pianist John Simons, 18-year-old Melissa flings herself into a relationship with a college music professor, a man with a shady reputation and an uncanny resemblance to John.

Staked!, by Denise M. Baran-Unland: A teen music prodigy lives in a remote fishing village, works for a newspaper delivery uncle and a funeral director stepfather, has a princess in his mirror, and his father was staked by his best friend’s father. That's the old normal.

Maybe one of these books is right for you?

And for an extra bit of Irish luck Ed Calkins-style, consider pairing the book with a ribbit - or maybe even the entire pot of gold.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Funny What We Forget

One benefit of cloud-based photo storage is that I can search by date and see the images I captured last year, two years ago, ten years ago.

Consider this photo from February 16, 2019. I saw it while scrolling through February 16 photos and it caused me to pause and wonder why I snapped it in the first place.

This looks like a terrible day, doesn't it? I feel stressed just looking at it. 

But you know what? I can't recall this day at all. I don't remember what caused the need for so much coffee and the level of disarray at my desk. I can't recall the project I was tackling, why the room is so dark, and what stressors were taking place.

It's funny what we forget, isn't it?

Issues that seemed so overwhelming in the moment quickly fade once they resolve. And that's a great blessing.

It's also a good reminder as we embark upon another week that's certain to include some stress and negativity.

No matter how horrible certain instances might be, the odds are we won't remember them. Or, if we do, the memory of the horribleness will soften and fade.

Time may not heal all wounds. But time will heal quite a few of them - and spare our energy to heal the ones that linger.

That perspective, of course, won't change the present challenges. But it can give us hope when we struggle and flounder.

Now back to this photo. I'd like to point out the hidden joy in an image that looks chaotic at first glance.

The carryout coffee cups shows at least one person (maybe two) brought me coffee on that day.

The blue pen holder with the tulips (which I still use) was made by Sarah when she went to Brownie day camp at Hammel Woods in Shorewood many, many years ago. I'm still using it even today and it's a reminder of then and now.

Christopher built my actual desktop (right) and added glowing blue and purple lights (my favorite colors).

Timothy provided the larger screen (larger for the time - you should see the one he bought that I use now!), a keyboard that is easy on my fingers, and  stapler when my old one broke.

My mother bought my original computer in 1998 when I started freelancing for The Herald-News as a single mom of six children ages two through fifteen, and I was still using the base with the switches in 2019. 

I can see at least two greeting cards sitting on that base, which means someone cared enough to send them.

I've printed out plenty of paperwork on a working commercial printer that I own, and I apparently have/had plenty of projects and work to keep me busy.

The computer table was a gift from my parents, which did not survive the last two moves.

So you see? In the middle of the turmoil, I was surrounded by love.

We can't avoid the dark moments. But the light is always there, if we take the time to find it, notice it.

May you always find the light in your dark.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Feb. 15 to Feb. 21

Good morning!

I have fourteen feature stories to share with you today at the bottom of this post, with more stories going live this weekend, especially since I am working through the weekend. So be sure to check back on The Herald-News site:

Before the stories I also have a list of additional updates, resources, and information. Please check them out, too.

And if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!

Event Updates

Calkins Day 2025 took place at The Book Market in Crest Hill and it was a wonderful celebration of laughter, imagination, generosity, and the release of "Recovering Ruthless," the third book in the BryonySeries Ruthless series by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.

The book display will remain up at The Book Market through St. Patrick's Day. And we now have some Irish-themed ribbit specials, too.

More about this on Monday. But if you're out and above in the Crest Hill area today or tomorrow, do check it out!

BryonySeries books-in-progress

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer: :Cornell Dyer and the House of Horreur" (because the toymaker's last name is "Horreur.") is stalled until Timothy finishes his master's degree at the end of February.

Brainy Ann: The fifth book in The Girls of the BryonySeries is outlined and the first chapter is written, hurray! Jennifer Wainwright, who welcomed her first child into the world in April, is nearly done with the cover portrait. I let this book slide for other BryonySeries projects. But I'm hoping to finish the book in 2025.

Jennifer designed the cover portraits for "Julie and the Too-Hard Homework," "Katie and the Big Fear," "Summer Sisters." and "Karla Joins In," as well as the frontispiece for "Lycanthropic Summer."

Rebekah is also slowly (very, very slowly) updating the BryonySeries YouTube and Pinterest accounts. And she' catching up with Kindles for some of the BryonySeries books. So do watch for those.

For books and more information about the series, visit


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Wednesday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks, will be featured in an upcoming cookbook, or is just an "extra" we want to share with you.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues and two ways to attend meetings. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I haven't posted anything on Twitter/X (except a daily Bible verse) since September I can no longer schedule posts in advance. I'm not sure yet how to manage the account without that option. But you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I used to curated content relating to the BryonySeries on Twitter/X at @BryonySeries and still post assorted related content at, and themes of each book in the BryonySeries at

Again, not sure yet about the direction of the BryonySeries Twitter/X account. Still mulling that over.

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Will County housing market will be hit by Trump administration’s tariffs, builders group says

Channahon plant: ‘Higher steel costs are passed along to consumers’

UCP Joliet’s Great Chefs event to benefit respite care

Client-created large quilt centerpiece of live auction

Lockport mobile studio keeps painting parties ‘fun and relaxed’

No previous painting experience is necessary

High egg prices have Joliet-area restaurants, bakeries scrambling

USDA: Cost per dozen ranging from $4.95 to $9.69

Lockport urban hydroponic farm takes root in the community

Second City Greens hopes to expand to other municipalities

Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie reopens offices, center

Midewin NTP trailheads, trails, hunting areas remained open

Shorewood 7-Eleven store to re-open

Crave Cookies comes to Joliet

Channahon man dead following crash on I-55

Joliet police investigating Sunday morning shooting

Fire in Lockport strip mall under investigation

Photos: Shorewood HUGS chocolate ball

Will County Pets of the Week: Feb. 17, 2025

Will County rescues have dogs and cats for adoption

5 Things to Do in Will County: Skip Griparis' ‘Heroes of Rock’



Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sue's Diner: Italian Herb Monkey Bread with Garlic Olive Oil

This week's recipe is called "Italian Herb Monkey Bread with Garlic Olive Oil" and my daughter Sarah Stegall created it and submitted it.

It's a wonderfully hearty and savory bread and terrific for shared snacks, appetizers, or to accompany an Italian-style meal.

This recipe appears in the BryonySeries cookbook: Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," which is a permanent fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.

The recipe is also referenced in the novel Bryonywhere the protagonist, a 1970s teen named Melissa Marchellis, encounters it at a potluck memorial luncheon for her grandmother.

You can try our modified recipe on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website.

But try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place. 

If you have any troubleshooting questions or comments, email us at 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fifteen Minutes of AI Fame

When Timothy started revamping the BryonySeries website in 2018, he redesigned the calendar to be more than a listing of events.

Timothy turned the BryonySeries event calendar into an advent calendar-style of calendar, where I could place one activity per day that related to the BryonySeries: games, crafts, music, science experiments, and recipes.

It's a great idea...but that calendar takes an entire afternoon one weekend a month to create.

To add context to the activities, I always link back to the book that inspired it.

I typically link to the book on Amazon and do a quick Google search to find the link, since I'm creating twenty-eight to thirty-one unique posts each time.

Well, when I "googled" the book "Visage," this is what appeared (see image at bottom of post).

Naturally I screen-shotted it since that was unlikely to ever happen again.

What's especially fun about this is not that I appear "famous" - but that the shoutout is also given to those who contributed to this book.

Sarah and Rebekah did all the production work.

Matt created the cover and interior art.

Vicki and Colleen helped with the editing.

Recognizing this collaboration is why the BryonySeries website has never had (and never will have) an author page.

Instead, we have the BryonySeries "team" page (which we used to call the Board of Trustees, patterned after the series).

Yes, I wrote most of the BryonySeries books. But I haven't written all of the books. And I had help with some of the books I did write.

For instance, Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, has actually written four of the books.

And Timothy is the concept creator for all of the Cornell Dyer books - and has the final approval on how those stories are shaped.

Furthermore, all of the book art is original art by real artists.

We also have promotional products, helpers, volunteers, and tons of teamwork that takes the books and turns them into an experience for readers to enjoy.

That fifteen minutes of AI fame is not about ME.

It's about US.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Can You Name Them All?

Kids love to memorize facts (at least, they used to love memorizing facts), so early elementary age was a great time for memorizing simple poems, history dates, basic science facts, the eight parts of speech, and so forth.

One list of facts we memorized was all the U.S. presidents (in order), along with remembering three "facts" about them.

My rationale was this: if you're a U.S. citizen, you should know something about the history of the country in which you live, including the names of the leaders that helped shaped the nation.

Perhaps you'd like to challenge yourself on this President's Day.

Now maybe memorizing a list of each U.S. president (in order) is a tough job for today.

But how about looking up three U.S. presidents that are less familiar to you and learning three facts about each?

Here's a book we used (and it's still available) to help get you started!

Happy President's Day!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Feb. 8 to Feb. 14

Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day

I have fifteen feature stories to share with you today at the bottom of this post, with more stories going live this weekend, especially since I am working through the weekend. So be sure to check back on The Herald-News site:

Before the stories I also have a list of additional updates, resources, and information. Please check them out, too.

And if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!

Event Updates

Calkins Day 2025 took place at The Book Market in Crest Hill and it was a wonderful celebration of laughter, imagination, generosity, and the release of "Recovering Ruthless," the third book in the BryonySeries Ruthless series by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.

The plan is to start posting snippets of the celebration tomorrow.

BryonySeries books-in-progress

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer: :Cornell Dyer and the House of Horreur" (because the toymaker's last name is "Horreur.") is stalled until Timothy finishes his master's degree at the end of February.

Brainy Ann: The fifth book in The Girls of the BryonySeries is outlined and the first chapter is written, hurray! Jennifer Wainwright, who welcomed her first child into the world in April, is nearly done with the cover portrait. I let this book slide for other BryonySeries projects. But I'm hoping to finish the book in 2025.

Jennifer designed the cover portraits for "Julie and the Too-Hard Homework," "Katie and the Big Fear," "Summer Sisters." and "Karla Joins In," as well as the frontispiece for "Lycanthropic Summer."

Rebekah is also slowly (very, very slowly) updating the BryonySeries YouTube and Pinterest accounts. And she' catching up with Kindles for some of the BryonySeries books. So do watch for those.

For books and more information about the series, visit


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Wednesday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks, will be featured in an upcoming cookbook, or is just an "extra" we want to share with you.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues and two ways to attend meetings. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I haven't posted anything on Twitter/X (except a daily Bible verse) since September I can no longer schedule posts in advance. I'm not sure yet how to manage the account without that option. But you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I used to curated content relating to the BryonySeries on Twitter/X at @BryonySeries and still post assorted related content at, and themes of each book in the BryonySeries at

Again, not sure yet about the direction of the BryonySeries Twitter/X account. Still mulling that over.

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Will County businesses struggle with ‘uncertainty’ of Trump tariffs impact on local economy

Joliet Chamber VP: ‘Who absorbs the cost?’

Rapid Healthcare provides walk-in care in downtown Joliet

Rapid Healthcare treats newborns to seniors

Joliet Bicentennial Park to host Black History month celebration

‘Stamped Into History’ will include drama and music

Silver Cross Hospital heart surgery program earns top rating

New Lenox hospital ‘among the elite for heart bypass surgery’

Troy 30-C school buses back on the road

District back to in-person learning Thursday, weather permitting

Troy 30-C schools working to restore transportation after catalytic converters stolen from 30 buses

Police say theft happened early Monday morning

Forum focuses on Joliet City Council at-large candidates

Jo-Ann closing 500 stores, including several across northern Illinois

No date given for closures

New Lenox tire and repair company hosting peanut butter and jelly drive for charity

Ollie’s store open for business in Lockport

Jitterhead in Crest Hill closes just months after opening

New Lenox Chamber of Commerce to hold annual recognition dinner

Hog Wild barbecue opens New Lenox location

Will County Pets of the Week: Feb. 10, 2025

Will County rescues have dogs and cats for adoption

5 Things to Do in Will County: John Primer & The Real Deal Blues Band


Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Happy Calkins Day 2025!

The BryonySeries has an official holiday and it is called Calkins Day!.

Calkins Day is the birthday of Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, and Ed invented Calkins Day before I'd even met him back in September 2007, before I turned him into an Irish vampire on Calkins Day 2008.

Ed used to credit/blame the origins of Calkins Day on his ruthlessness. 

But WE say Calkins Day is a day to celebrate laughter, imagination, and generosity (Ed has all three traits) and perhaps triumph over our struggles, for Ed has overcome dyslexia to write four books, and we are celebrating the release of the final book in his BryonySeries Ruthless trilogy tonight: "Recovering Ruthless."

So for a Calkins Day primer, this post has plenty of information and backlinks for your to travel.

But of if you want the transformational story, please read Ed's post "How I Became Famous."

And if you are in the area and somewhat available, please join us tonight for Calkins Day 2025, 6 to 8:30 p.m., at The Book Market in Crest Hill.

If you must celebrate virtually, please check out our "Guide to Becoming Un-Serious."

Happy Calkins Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Sue's Diner: Valentine Candy Cane Brownies

Use up those leftover holiday candy canes for Valentine's Day with these extra special Valentine Candy Cane Brownies.

The recipe is simple enough for a child to assemble with adult guidance and supervision.

This recipe not featured in any of the BryonySeries cookbooks, including Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from "Bryony," which is a permanent fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties and features all the recipes referenced in the novel Bryony

However, you can try this recipe for Valentine French toast on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website. 

But try the recipe this week. It will be gone next week. A new recipe will take it's place. 

If you have any troubleshooting questions or comments, email us at 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"Logging" by Trudy Danny

In honor of Calkins Day this Thursday, I'm sharing a poem called "Logging," which was written by Trudy Danny, a character in "Recovering Ruthless," the third book in the BryonySeries Ruthless trilogy by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.

Calkins Day 2025 will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at The Book Market in Crest Hill. The drop-in celebration will include free food, a chance to win an original acrylic waterscape painted by Ed’s wife Nancy Calkins (an accomplished artist and retired art teacher), and the opportunity to purchase books authored by Ed and books in which Ed appears as a character.

This post tells you everything you need to know about Calkins Day 2025 and why you should even bother celebrating it.

This post tells about the free painting you can win that night.

This post gives you ideas about the best gift you can give Ed that night (it's verbal and will cost you nothing).


 A sacred site so come inside.

There's grounds to hunt and homes to hide

the forests of the realm abide

that tree shall serve souls soulfully

We also serve your creature care

our fruit your fill, you taste our air

Your want of wood we won't despair

save we should serve you soulfully

divine the grace the gross our earth

How sweet the sun. How tart the earth.

How holy had a human birth.

Is why we serve you soulfully.

When woodsmen come to fall a tree,

feel droplets of our sympathy,

then comprehend serenity,

that's how we serve you soulfully.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Very Unprepared Blog for Promoting Calkins Day this Feb. 13

Good morning!

Calkins Day on Feb. 13 is rapidly approaching.

Today's post was actually reserved for a video recording from Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, personally inviting you to attend the celebration.

I had intended to record said video at WriteOn Joliet's first meeting of the year in early January..but I was sick and Rebekah facilitated the meeting.

The second WriteOn meeting was on Zoom, and Ed couldn't make it. 

Fine, I thought. I 'll get the video on Feb. 6.

Well, that was WriteOn's thirteenth birthday...and I was short on energy due to dealing with another bout of diverticulitis on top of a full work week, coordinating a miniature celebration, etc.

So then I figured I'd schedule a quick Zoom call for Friday evening.

But last night turned into a busy work day with an unexpected assignment early evening, followed by two errands, followed by rapid disintegration of my energy and having no idea if Ed was delivering newspapers that night and was already sleeping.

I can't even post a photo of our Calkins Day display at The Book Market in Crest Hill (where the celebration will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 13) because I set it up last Saturday while rushing between appointments and working while sick this week used up all my time and pep.

And now it's this Saturday, and I'm cobbling together an excuse-laden blog post.

Now, I haven't abandoned the video idea. My hope is to still record one and post it next week, ideally before Calkins Day.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with links to OTHER posts, a promise to do better, and a way to really delight Ed should you decide to stop out (and probably leave the store with an armful of his books at no cost).

First the links.

This post tells you everything you need to know about Calkins Day 2025 and why you should even bother celebrating it.

This post tells about the free painting you can win that night.

Now here's the way to delight Ed, even more than the suggestions on the flyer below.

Tell Ed that only five things are important. (I can already hear him laughing). You may then read those five things directly from this blog or write them down or print them out.

Here are the five:

  • Ed is the one and only Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.
  • Ed is very ruthless. He’ll hurt your feelings without a second thought. (Try not to be afraid).
  • Newspaper delivery is important. On time. Every morning.
  • Ed has many wives all over the place. But he can only sleep with the one that is his lover because of the pink machete rule (true story, ask him about that. Better yet, ask his primary wife Nancy, who will be in attendance).
  • Ed is a time-traveling, dyslexic, psychotic, Irish vampire. (You might have guessed that already).
And if you want your greeting to be over the top, you should also share the one thing YOU should remember, it's this:

If Ed Calkins asks you to marry him, he might not ask again!