Tuesday, September 17, 2024

BryonySeries Calendar, Activities, Events

Most author websites have calendars of some sort.

However, the BryonySeries calendar is more than a list of upcoming events,

Rather, Timothy designed this calendar years ago in the style of the advent calendars he enjoyed as a child.

Behind every virtual window are games, crafts, music, activities, science experiments, and  recipes that pick up themes to one or more BryonySeries books (the link to the appropriate book is behind each window).

Every activity requires items you either have on hand or are readily available. And every activity is designed for just about anyone of any age to tackle it. No particular and highly advanced skill set is required. Activities are designed to be fun, reflective, kind, or spark creativity.

I was a little late updating September's calendar since the time to update came around the same time I was finishing "House on Top of the Hill" during my second at-home writing retreat of 2024.

However, the great thing about the BryonySeries calendar is that most of the windows are not date-specific.

Meaning, unless an actual event is happening on that day, most of the windows are relevant for the entire month.

So visit bryonyseries.com/calendar-of-events.

And happy exploring!

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