Monday, September 16, 2024

Results of 2nd At-Home Writing Retreat of 2024

Last week I used vacation time to take a second at-home writing retreat. My goal was to prepare the eight remaining chapters for a novel-in-progress for final editing and to (HOPEFULLY) release before 2024 ends.

Despite a retreat that wasn't quite a retreat (LOTS of life happening, too), I am happy to report that I made my goal.

The novel is called “House on Top of the Hill” and it’s the third book in the BryonySeries Limbo series. The first and second books in that series are “The Phoenix” and “Call of the Siren.”

I conceived the concept for the BryonySeries Limbo trilogy in early 2019. During Christmas break later that year, I had all three books outlined.

Before I go further, the store page on the BryonySeries website will provide more about the individual titles I'll be mentioning in this post. There are far, far too many titles to hyperlink in this blog.

Oh, and the store is closed for renovations, most likely until Timothy finishes his master's degree in February. But the store link will take you to the full list of books on Amazon. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

It feels good to near the finish line of what could be my last novel.

My fiction focus for the next few years will be completing the last four books in the Girls of the BryonySeries and catching up with The Adventures of Cornell Dyer series. Both are subseries in the overarching BryonySeries world.

Plus, I have tons of Bertrand photos for future books I need to address.

Now, I could be wrong about “House on Top of the Hill” being the last novel. But at age sixty-three, I want to be sure I finish these other BryonySeries books, while I’m still able to finish them. So I'm definitely not bidding creative writing good-bye. I have plenty of book projects to last me a long time.

Also, for anyone who has read the BryonySeries, this "House on Top of the Hill" brings the series to a nice full circle. 

You see, if one starts with the drop of blood trilogy (“Bryony,” “Visage,” and “Staked!”),  the five installments of “Before The Blood” becomes a terrific prequel to the series. Limbo then fills in the time period between “drop” and BTB, the eighty years when nothing seemingly happens.

Or if one reads the books in chronological order – beginning with “Before The Blood,” and then moving onto to Limbo and then “drop of blood,” the novel “Staked!” gives a nice finish to the series. 

And if you start with Limbo, you can read BTB and “drop” to see what happened before and what happens after, which also works quite logically, especially since :drop" seamlessly follows "House on Top of the Hill."

Now, I don’t want to forget HOW to write a novel. And who knows? I might have another lurking in my brain somewhere, just waiting for the right time to show itself.

Or perhaps I’ll co-write a novel or helps other authors polish theirs. But from my viewpoint on this Monday morning, “House on Top of the Hill” is likely my last novel.

Of course, I did say that after “Before The Blood,” too. 

And if we want to travel down that path, I really only intended to write one novel, “Bryony.” But the story was too big for one book. 

Fine, I thought. I’ll write a sequel. But the story was too big for THAT book, too.

Fine. A trilogy then. Except now I had all this background backstory and my little band of fans for “drop of blood” wanted to read the series back story, which turned into an eight-year project for the five installments.

So there you have it. A series that overtook itself much like the poisonous bryony took over Simons Mansion, the Simons estate, and worked its way into the woods (which wasn’t Simons Woods after all, as you shall see in "House on Top of the Hill").

A quick word about the structure of this latest novel. Despite the wording of the synopsis (see below), none of the story is actually told from the perspective of Steve Barnes.

Instead the novel, which spans forty - fairly consecutively - years, is told through a slew of different protagonists in a seemingly short story format. But the chapters all possess an underlying theme, recurring characters, and an ending that won't make sense if you skip to it first.

Anyway, here is the synopsis. Below the synopsis are the chapter titles and cover image by Timothy Baran.

Happy Monday!

Change comes slowly to Munsonville, and for Steve Barnes, who spends his entire life in the village, that's just fine. From boyhood to manhood, he savors the slow pace and friendly smiles, even while working by his parents' side from sunup to sundown to run the family diner.

The only blight is this fishing village's preoccupation with an empty mansion in the woods, whose tales of former glory and catastrophe fueled a rampage of ghost stories. Steve doesn't believe them, but some do – and no no one can deny the power the crumbling old building holds over them.

Especially when it changes everyone, including Steve, forever.


Chapter 1: The Traveling Salesman

Chapter 2: Roundtable

Chapter 3: Bottle of the Red Stuff

Chapter 4: Cracking Open the Nest Egg

Chapter 5: Picture Postcards

Chapter 6: Whispers of the Heart

Chapter 7: I Run at Night

Chapter 8: Laid to Rest

Chapter 9: Necking

Chapter 10: Spider and Fly

Chapter 11: Death Heard Round the World

Chapter 12: Mine

Chapter 13: Second Sight

Chapter 14: Chop, Sizzle, Broil, and Bake

Chapter 15: The Rage

Chapter 16: Hard Choice to Make

Chapter 17: Through the Camera’s Eye

Chapter 18: Words Enough For Me

Chapter 19: The All-Hallowed Albatross

Chapter 20: Dancing in the Past

Chapter 21: The New Professor

Chapter 22: Enigma in Residence

Chapter 23: Rain

Chapter 24: From Fry Pan to Factotum

Chapter 25: Nutty Tina Swanson

Chapter 26: Preternatural Guest

Chapter 27: A New Lease on a Very Old Dream

Chapter 28: The News That Changed Everything

Chapter 29: Journey of a Thousand Heartaches

Chapter 30: Severed Links


Friday, September 13, 2024

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Sept. 7 to Sept. 13

Good morning!

I have eleven stories to share with you today at the bottom of this post with more stories going live over the weekend.

Yes, I have eleven stories on a week I was on a writing retreat for the BryonySeries. That's because I wrote all eleven last week (and few more that haven't run yet). So be sure to check back on The Herald-News site:

But before the stories, I have a list of additional updates, resources, and information. Please check them out, too.

Also, if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!

Event Updates

The BryonySeries Back-To-School display is now up at The Book Market. So do check it out if you're in the area.

Also, we recently held Bertrand's Back-To-School Birthday Bash at The Book Market.

We are also participating in four events in September (so far):

Sept. 14: Spooky Night Out at HellsGate in Lockport

Sept. 24: The Book Market in Crest Hill

Sept. 27: End-Of-Summer Open Mic at the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre in Joliet

Sept. 28: Local Author Fair at the Downers Grove Public Library

BryonySeries books-in-progress

House on Top of the Hill: Third book in the BryonySeries Limbo trilogy. I now have a good working draft of the entire book, with all but three chapters that are ready for final edits. I'm hoping that all three will be in good editing shape by Monday. We are still estimating a late 2024 release date for this book, with copies available for sale at WriteOn Joliet's anthology release party on Dec. 5.

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer: No updates here in a very long time, mostly because Timothy and Daniel are super busy with school on top of work (and plenty of work-related traveling). However, I outlined a "bonus" book that is intended for distribution at Bicentennial's "Ye Olde Mayfest" event in 2025. Here is a recap of the 2024 event.

Timothy said his concept for the next book in the actual series will be slightly dark ("slightly" because it's for kids, too) and will involve an old toy store. We are also working on the last book in the series (but it's not the final book, if that makes sense). Timothy is actually writing that one. In order to make progress on any of this, Timothy is hoping to schedule a "Cornell breakfast." But Timothy and Daniel are very busy with work and school right now. We've scheduled and broke several Cornell breakfasts in 2023 and 2024. Our last one was July 2022. So we are LONG, LONG, LONG overdue.

Brainy Ann: The fifth book in The Girls of the BryonySeries is outlined and the first chapter is written, hurray! Jennifer Wainwright, who welcomed her first child into the world in April, has already started working on the cover portrait. I've neglected this book for a few months and hope to revisit it soon. We wanted to release it in late 2024, but 2024 has been a challenging year. I'm shooting for early 2025.

Jennifer designed the cover portraits for "Julie and the Too-Hard Homework," "Katie and the Big Fear," "Summer Sisters." and "Karla Joins In," as well as the frontispiece for Lycanthropic Summer.

Rebekah is also slowly (very, very slowly) updating the BryonySeries YouTube and Pinterest accounts. And she' catching up with Kindles for some of the BryonySeries books. So do watch for those.

And finally...

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, has sent me twenty-one chapters to edit for his third book in his Ruthless trilogy. His first book is "Ruthless," his second is "The Fifth," and he is also the author of "Denise Unland's Irish Genealogy."

For books and more information about the series, visit


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Wednesday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks, will be featured in an upcoming cookbook, or is just an "extra" we want to share with you.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues and two ways to attend meetings. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I haven't posted anything on Twitter/X (except a daily Bible verse) since September I can no longer schedule posts in advance. I'm not sure yet how to manage the account without that option. But you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I used to curated content relating to the BryonySeries on Twitter/X at @BryonySeries and still post assorted related content at, and themes of each book in the BryonySeries at

Again, not sure yet about the direction of the BryonySeries Twitter/X account. Still mulling that over.

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Joliet Visitation and Aid Society ‘quietly’ helping residents for 135 years

Member Fran Naal of Joliet: ‘That is how we were set up: to do good works and in a really fast way’

Joliet Rotary raffle proceeds support community nonprofits

Club’s efforts raise about $60,000 each year

Joliet school to host drive-thru back-to-school health fair

Students who attend will receive a free book bag

Volunteers welcome at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood on 9/11

Adults must accompany all children younger than 14

Spirit Halloween stores open in Will County

Urban Kitchen in Crest Hill part of dining program for seniors

Garage damaged in Plainfield house fire

Joliet police catch teen with ‘modified’ automatic handgun

17-year-old arrested after fleeing scene of traffic stop

Bolingbrook burglary leads to firearm recovery

Will County Pets of the Week: Sept. 9, 2024

Will County rescues have dogs and cats for adoption

5 Things to Do in Will County: Fiesta en el Bicentennial Park



Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sue's Diner: John's Coffee

Anyone that knows me know I like a nice dark roast coffee to start the day.

However, I'd probably banish coffee from my diet forever if I had to prepare it the nineteenth century way, such as the recipe we're sharing this week.

We included the recipe in our BryonySeries cookbook "Memories in the Kitchen: Bites and Nibbles from 'Bryony.'"  This cookbook is a permanent fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Will and Grundy Counties.

This recipe was slightly adapted from Miss Beecher’s domestic receiptbook: designed as a supplement to her Treatise on domestic economy.

Here is the reference from the cookbook that connects the recipe to "Bryony."

Melissa’s first casual glimpse of John happened during her first day at Simons Mansion, in the morning room, where John sipped his coffee. Back home, Melissa’s mother plugged an electric percolator into the wall, but making fresh coffee in nineteenth century Munsonville was a little more complicated.

We have not actually prepared this nineteenth century coffee recipe. When you read it, you'll see why.

But you may try this recipe on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website. 

However, try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place. 

If you have any troubleshooting questions or comments, email us at 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

Friday, September 6, 2024

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, Aug. 31 to Sept. 6

Good morning!

I have eleven stories to share with you today at the bottom of this post with more stories going live over the weekend, So be sure to check back on The Herald-News site:

But before the stories, I have a list of additional updates, resources, and information. Please check them out, too.

Finally, if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!

Event Updates

The BryonySeries Back-To-School display is now up at The Book Market. So do check it out if you're in the area.

Also, we recently held Bertrand's Back-To-School Birthday Bash at The Book Market.

We are also participating in four events in September (so far):

Sept. 14: Spooky Night Out at HellsGate in Lockport

Sept. 17: The Book Market in Crest Hill (tentative)

Sept. 27: End-Of-Summer Open Mic at the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre in Joliet

Sept. 28: Local Author Fair at the Downers Grove Public Library

BryonySeries books-in-progress

House on Top of the Hill: Third book in the BryonySeries Limbo trilogy. I now have a good working draft of the entire book, with all but eight chapters that are ready for final edits. I should be able to finish the eight at the next at-home writing retreat starting Monday. We are still estimating a late 2024 release date for this book, with copies available for sale at WriteOn Joliet's anthology release party on Dec. 6.

The Adventures of Cornell Dyer: No updates here in a very long time, mostly because Timothy and Daniel are super busy with school on top of work (and plenty of work-related traveling). However, I outlined a "bonus" book that is intended for distribution at Bicentennial's "Ye Olde Mayfest" event in 2025. Here is a recap of the 2024 event.

Timothy said his concept for the next book in the actual series will be slightly dark ("slightly" because it's for kids, too) and will involve an old toy store. We are also working on the last book in the series (but it's not the final book, if that makes sense). Timothy is actually writing that one. In order to make progress on any of this, Timothy is hoping to schedule a "Cornell breakfast." But Timothy and Daniel are very busy with work and school right now. We've scheduled and broke several Cornell breakfasts in 2023 and 2024. Our last one was July 2022. So we are LONG, LONG, LONG overdue.

Brainy Ann: The fifth book in The Girls of the BryonySeries is outlined and the first chapter is written, hurray! Jennifer Wainwright, who welcomed her first child into the world in April, has already started working on the cover portrait. I've neglected this book for a few months and hope to revisit it soon. We wanted to release it in late 2024, but 2024 has been a challenging year. I'm shooting for early 2025.

Jennifer designed the cover portraits for "Julie and the Too-Hard Homework," "Katie and the Big Fear," "Summer Sisters." and "Karla Joins In," as well as the frontispiece for Lycanthropic Summer.

Rebekah is also slowly (very, very slowly) updating the BryonySeries YouTube and Pinterest accounts. And she' catching up with Kindles for some of the BryonySeries books. So do watch for those.

And finally...

Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, has sent me twenty-one chapters to edit for his third book in his Ruthless trilogy. His first book is "Ruthless," his second is "The Fifth," and he is also the author of "Denise Unland's Irish Genealogy."

For books and more information about the series, visit


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Wednesday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks, will be featured in an upcoming cookbook, or is just an "extra" we want to share with you.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues and two ways to attend meetings. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I haven't posted anything on Twitter/X (except a daily Bible verse) since September I can no longer schedule posts in advance. I'm not sure yet how to manage the account without that option. But you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I used to curated content relating to the BryonySeries on Twitter/X at @BryonySeries and still post assorted related content at, and themes of each book in the BryonySeries at

Again, not sure yet about the direction of the BryonySeries Twitter/X account. Still mulling that over.

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Joliet Junior College employee is 2024 recipient of the ATHENA Award

Kelly Rohder-Tonelli said receiving the award is ‘an unbelievable honor’

New Joliet District 86 administrator learns former students are district employees

Judith Nash said she was thrilled to reconnect with them

Will County State’s Attorney Glasgow honored by Illinois police chiefs

Shorewood cafe can hold all-age queer variety show, Village Board says

Village of Shorewood attorney: Event protected by 1st Amendment

Spirit Halloween stores open in Will County

Joliet Cornerstone to host annual art show this week

Featured artwork at the show includes diamond art, paintings and photographs

Will County Humane Society joins Plainfield Shorewood Chamber

Joliet man arrested after shots fired at person in vehicle

Vehicle disabled by gunfire, person not hit

Joliet police seek information about shots fired Saturday on Youngs Avenue

Will County Pets of the Week: Sept. 2, 2024

Will County rescues have dogs and cats for adoption

5 Things to Do in Will County: Joliet museum to host rooftop concert


Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Cat on the Back of the Desk Chair

Timothy snapped this photo one day of Faith and me one night when he popped up to my room while I was still working.

It's typical Faith and me, since Faith has shared my desk chair since she was a kitten.

Sometimes she sits behind me, which is why I almost always sit perched at the end of the chair, even when I worked in an office before the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, during hose first few weeks in January 2014 when I became an actual Herald-News employee after being a freelancer for fifteen years felt strange without Faith sitting behind me, so I'd placed Snip there instead.

But if I leave my room for even a minute, I take any open drinks with me.

I learned my lesson years ago when I still worked in my attic office in Channahon.

One time, I ran downstairs to heat up my coffee, and then, when I returned,  my story was filled with random letters and lines and my keyboard was filled with water droplets and an ice cube.

Now if I could only train Faith to copyedit...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sue's Diner: Tiger Brownies

This week's recipe is for Tiger Brownies, a family tradition instead of cake for Timothy's birthday on September 8.

Timothy's nickname as a baby was "Tiger Tim" and we even signed his name on greeting cards from the family by adding little paw print.

I stumbled upon this recipe years ago in one of those little cookbooks one could buy on the rack near the checkout line in groceries stories. 

Rebekah has since perfected the version by increasing the amount of cream cheese, and she makes them for Timothy every year instead of the more traditional birthday cake.

This recipe does not appear in any of the BryonySeries cookbooks.

But you may try this recipe on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website. 

However, try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place. 

If you have any troubleshooting questions or comments, email us at 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

Monday, September 2, 2024

A Novel Idea for Labor Day

 On August 29, a WriteOn member posted a meme on our WriteOn Joliet Facebook group page the following prompt: post the eighth sentence of page twenty-eight of any book.

And she proceeded to post from this book.

So I posted from this book.

And this WriteOn author posted from this book.

So to celebrate the work of local authors on this Labor Day, I grabbed as many books by local authors that I could find in the moment from my bookshelves and continued the love.

In the case of any page twenty-nines not having an eighth sentence, I included the last sentence on that page.

Maybe it will make you curious enough to click through the link, read the summary, and maybe - just maybe - buy and read the book.

And if not...

At least one sentence from each of these authors will be read.

He made several calls to people who needed to know where he could be reached.

He also handcuffed him by threatening him with the information he had.

She continued walking toward him.

Get back upstairs, you two.

What caused the sudden change?

Such a waste.

They slung their rackets over their shoulders and jumped on their bikes.

They ploy seemingly worked as Mogridge turned in a solid outing over the next 4.2 innings, allowing one earned run and scattering four hits.

With at least one heart destined to lose.

Kneeling close to the bed, he said a few words in a strange tongue, paused a moment, and began to heal the wound by placing his hands upon it.

They laughed.

And I enjoyed both of those activities.

Jim designed and built this large comfortable post and beam addition to accommodate grandchildren, puppies, and the many memory-making family gatherings.

I know you'd rather play basketball, but at least the cheerleaders get to go to all the games.

However at the same time, it cut off the oxygen that the trapped men needed to breathe.

There seemed to be an utter lack of realization of the dangers inherent in the material, which was being manufactured.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.

His narrow shaky hands reached for my belt buckle, but I grabbed them tight before he takes hold,

"That wasn't so hard was it?" Barry asked as he jumped off his bike and leaned it against the side of the building.

"It's OK, Kristen."

Jamilah took her mouth off the woman's body with her lips and part of her face filled with blood this is how you live and survive off the blood of humans," Jamilah said.

If you're sure you don't mind.

"It never leaves."

One day, Mark's aunt was visiting and they were alone in his hospital room.

Just bask in hopeless failure, hell, eternal rest, your pride.

They made my last years at the Guardian Angel Home so much better.

As I drove towards the gate, I commented.

Our final stop, New Salem, had reconstructed log cabin akin to the one in which Lincoln lived as a young adult.

Moose musings!

That year, there was a scarlet fever outbreak.

I will call you Scout.

Getting to know yourself in times of trouble is the first step to obtaining the courage to release that familiar lifestyle.

She wrote a nice article for the bike club newsletter that at the end of the first year she joined, thanking the members for being so supportive and nice to her, and especially for staying with her if she lagged behind on the rides.

For a solution

Their legs no longer hurt from the dampness and their arms and faces were almost flushed from the heat.

"What has happened?" he asked.

Aunt Mildred and Uncle Mortimer will get over the hurt of their names not being carried on through another generation, and your children will love you forever.

"Honey, I have to tell you something."

"We'd been at band practice, so it was late."

I am new to this area, and I don't like driving in this weather.

Approaching the first farm, the area was as he remembered from attending a past feast day.

Each grain landing in the precise spot laid out for it.

When nature talks...I long to hear more.

In this chapter, God was not pleased with Israel.

I started a prayer list with dates and answers, almost like a journal.

Include yourself, your family, and your church family in your prayers.