Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Cinnamon Candies, Coffee, and Love

We are a family of little gifts.

That doesn't mean we're cheap (although, maybe we are), but we do like brightening each other's day with, well, stuff.

Like this mouse pad Rebekah ordered for me that (so far) isn't stained with coffee. 

And while Timothy and Daniel were keeping me well-caffeinated over this past working weekend, Rebekah also brought me coffee and a package of these:

These were to replace the BIG bag of Cinnamon Fire Jolly Ranchers that Daniel bought me a few months back.

But since I've been working at home, "others" (who shall remain unnamed) have whittled down the bag's contents, which should have been a lifetime supply.

I like to think that MY role is being present for this large group of adult kids when they need my wisdom and support.

So with that in mind, I am now calling my oldest son. I missed the call thirty minutes ago because my phone was still on silent.

So I had Rebekah call him back to see if it was urgent. 

I'm not sure what he said, but Rebekah told him, "She's working."

And then she told me, "He needs to talk to you. And he said you can't be working because you're all over Facebook."


See? Day brightener. ;)

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