Monday, February 10, 2020

A Bit of a Throwback: Calkins Day 2018: A Few Photos

I'm posting this in anticipation of WriteOn Joliet's open mic event this week in honor of Calkins Day (an explanation is here), 

This means, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., members and guests are invited to share funny, whimsical, non-serious, or playful writings at the Book and Bean Cafe, 3395 Black Road in Joliet.

Two years ago, we held a signing and reception for this book (limited copies still available, get yours on Thursday).

Scroll through and enjoy! Hope to see you Thursday. :)

Calkins Day 2018: A Few Photos

In case you missed it (and even if you didn't), here are a few photos from the Calkins Day Book Signing (Feb. 13) at Book and Bean Cafe in Joliet.

Nos. five (ruthless pose), six (ruthlessly glancing at MOMI's coffee), and seven (composing a ruthless limerick) are especially noteworthy.