Monday, November 19, 2018

A Good Time Really Was Had By All

This past Friday night, WriteOn Joliet held its second anthology release party at The Book Market in Crest Hill.

Between writers, guests, and patrons who took advantage of the store's later hours due to the event, we had a steady stream of people from 6 to 8:30 p.m. - with the owner, Janet Staley still ringing up purchases long after 8:30 had passed.

People had fun and many left with a stack of books. These were combinations of WriteOn Joliet's first and second anthologies, titles by individual authors, and books from the store.

And the food...

The food was phenomenal, thanks to our chefs who created it: Timothy Baran, Jasmine Rosenboom, and Rebekah Baran. They are already planning next year's menu for next year's event, which will be held Nov. 15, 2019.

Even Bertrand had a great time!

The glorious weekend continued (for me) the next morning when I met with my editor for Before The Blood.

But that's a post for tomorrow.

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