Monday, September 28, 2015

Oh, When the Muse Cooperates!

The muse behaved nicely this weekend.

I wrote chapter for Before the Blood and did some fiddling with parts of chapter five, which is still missing scenes. The biggest challenge is the introduction of many new and significant characters. One person in WriteOn Joliet suggested more description each time they appear, but too much of that seems clumsy. I'm working instead on strengthening their voices so the reader can do his own visulatization. Wish me luck!

Even though I worked part of Saturday and most of Sunday, and am coming into Monday already behind (sigh!), the productive time alone on Saturday gave me a serene satisfaction that is hard to describe. By the time I went to my interview Sunday afternoon, I was raring to go.

BTW, the supermoon eclipse of blood and light was wondrous to behold. Hope everyone saw it!

May each and everyone of you have a most blessed week.

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