Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Dream?

Sleep eluded me for some time on Friday night once I realized I might be back in the ER on Saturday morning.

I remember lying on my right side with my mind slipping between alert and drowsy, and praying the problem might be resolved on its own without medical intervention.

I sensed a voice saying that might happen if I remained right and chose small.

Or I could choose left and the follow the larger way, the path laid out for me.

I wavered a moment. Small and easy was so tempting. But small and easy also felt bleak.

So I rolled onto my left and promptly fell asleep.

And in the morning, since the physical issue hadn't resolved, Timothy and I went to the ER.

We stayed for twelve hours, and I was admitted. 

I met some wonderful people.

I heard some amazing stories.

I'll share a few tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

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