Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Meet Duanne Walton, WriteOn Joliet's "Intrepid Videographer"

From time to time, I share links to websites, blogs, and books from my other writerly friends, especially those associated with WriteOn Joliet, which I co-lead with Tom Hernandez.

But one member, who joined WriteOn on its very first meeting in February 2012 and has attended nearly every one, doesn't have a website, blog, or a published book - yet.

However, he has a prolific YouTube channel.

I'm referring to Duanne Walton, who calls himself an intrepid videographer, and is likely WriteOn Joliet's most loyal writer.

Duanne also is known for his stream of consciousness writing and a mystery thriller he is currently writing.

A visit to Duanne's YouTube channel is a bit of an adventure.

You'll find videos with famous artists he's interviewed pre-COVID at conventions.

You'll find videos of people who are on their way to becoming famous.

You'll find individual videos of individual writers reading their works at every open mic WriteOn Joliet has hosted to date.

And you'll also find interviews with some of these writers at their events, for Duanne is known for just showing up with his camera and starting and impromptu interview.

You'll find his product reviews.

You'll find some commetary and ramblings.

And you'll find videos that don't fit into any of the above.

Explore his YouTube site at youtube.com/user/4thtroika/videos.

WriteOn Joliet member Duanne Walton (left) chats with Tom Hernandez at The Book Market in Crest Hill during WriteOn Joliet's 2018 anthology release party.

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