Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I Now Own a Gzrlyf

My particular Gzrlyf was an Old Calendar Christmas present from Jasmine.

It's like a hope chest in a bag. I'll explain that in a minute.

Now what's especially fun about this particular Gzrlyf is that it plays nicely with my muse, Warren Peace because it's so "charming."

My Gzrlyf comes with a coffee mug, pens for notes, and scisscors for edits.

It comes with a typewriter for getting the words on the page.

It comes with a warning to anyone who dares interfere with the creative process.

And it comes with the goal of all that effort.

So that's my Gzrlyf. 

However, I don't have any photos of Warren Peace. He's rather shy, but I can often coax him out with plain, dark roast coffee. 

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