Friday, November 4, 2011

NaNoWriMo Day #4 and "Markheim" by Robert Lewis Stephenson

Bryony Prequel, Section One, Chapter 3: check!
Word count:  1789

"Markheim," by Robert Lewis Stephenson, first published in 1884, opens on Christmas Day with the protagonist badgering a shop dealer for the perfect present. The gift, however, is a cover for the protagonist's real motive, which is murder, then theft.

As the protagonist moves about the shop, seeking money, fears of being detected and having the dead body exposed plague him, until a supernatural being warns him of impending visitors and offers to point him in the right direction.

Whenever I read this story with my teens, I always cover the last line and ask them to guess what happens. They are invariably wrong.

Read the full text at

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