Saturday, January 20, 2018

Meet the Real Ed Calkins on Feb. 13

If you've read the BryonySeries, you've met Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, first (and only) Irish vampire, who ruthlessly insults his victims via bad limericks instead of, well, you know, the usual way vampires terrorize victims.

What many people don't know is that Ed Calkins is a real person (although not a real vampire).

He really wrote my pretend Irish genealogy in 2011, which will really be available in a very short nonsensical chapter book on Feb. 13, the real Calkins Day (which is not a real holiday. It's real in Ed's mind. Even in the BryonySeries).

Ed and I will be hanging out from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Book and Bean cafe in Joliet, greeting anyone who stops in to meet him and signing a few books (whether or not anyone buys some).

Confused? Then do come out Feb. 13. You'll be even more confused.

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