Sunday, April 27, 2014

More (but not much more) Jessica Lynn

My problem with documenting life, indeed, my kids have the same problem, is that we're so busy living life, we forget to archive it.

For instance:

Rebekah had been at Joshua and Amber's apartment since Thursday night and went up to the hospital to see Amber and the baby seven times, she said, and yet we don't have one photo yet of her and the baby.

We don't have one with with Joshua and Amber with Jessica Lynn. I did, however, walk Amber through the halls and asked the nurse to get an order for something she needed.

Joshua snuggled up to me really nice when I was sitting in the chair with Jessica, which would have made a nice photo, we thought, as we drove home.

Daniel and Timothy did manage to snap photos of each other. Timothy remembered to get a couple of me as we were leaving. The one of Ezekiel I "borrowed" from Facebook. Packed away in the storage shed is one of fifteen month old Sarah kissing newborn Joshua...


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