Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Thunderstorms in the Midwest? Welcome to Winter 2014!

My walking rule for this winter goes like this: one (or two, if I'm lucky) days on and one (usually two) weeks off due to polar vortexes and other fun events.

This week, I walked on Monday in a white-out, fell badly on the hidden  ice, and came stumbling home. Tuesday, I went out in a much throttled back version. Yesterday, the same, for, although the weather was awesome, patches of ice ground me to a halt every few paces.

Today, despite the forecast of freezing rain, I felt hopeful I'd get a clear patch before work and beat the odds. Hope rose at three-thirty this morning when raging thunder awakened me. Surely, the deluge would be long done by six-thirty, the official start of power walk time.

But at five, the storms (and thunder) were still going strong. The thunder had died away at six, but the rain still pattered loudly and steadily an hour later. Not to be defeated again (although getting some extra work done was extra tempting), I flew back upstairs for some music and calisthenics.

Now I feel behind and have to hurry. Par, right?

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