Wednesday, July 10, 2024

BryonySeries Bags from Jasmine and Rebekah

Good morning!

Pulling an all-nighter and beyond in the ER on Monday night left me with no energy after work to yesterday to change up the recipe at Sue's Diner. Hopefully I will get to it tonight. 

In the meantime, please check out our slightly modified, but totally Victorian, nineteenth century Independence Cake right here:

The BryonySeries website has a slightly different look since  Timothy reverted it parts of it to an earlier version. The latest version was glitching, and between work, work travel, and working on his master's degree with Daniel, Timothy won't have much extra time until after February. 

In the meantime, look at beautiful BryonySeries bags from Jasmine and Rebekah. After me asking Rebekah for a tote bag or two (she has lots) whenever I leave for an event, Rebekah found a blank one that is perfect for me, and Jasmine personalized it.

Thanks to their kindness and talent, I will look a little more professional and put-together when I go here and there with books and supplies.

This is certainly just one more reason to be thankful this morning.

Happy Wednesday!

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