Thursday, October 12, 2023

Virtual Writing Retreat 2023

Five years ago, I took my first at-home writing retreat when airfare to North Carolina skyrocketed and Rebekah and I decide to forego a trip to visit Sarah.

Although I missed seeing family, I accomplished quite a bit of BryonySeries writing (I was finishing up a draft of the fifth installment of Before The Blood at the time). 

However, my at-home writing retreats are intense and hyper-focused almost to grueling. So the enjoyment is not in the moment but satisfying in the amount of words completed.

So now I try to take an at-home writing retreat once a year. 

This year's writing retreat starts Saturday morning and runs through next week and the following Sunday afternoon, whereupon, I will return to reality and tackle some homework.

Among the retreating, I will tell a story on October 18, lead a WriteOn Joliet Zoom meeting on October 19, and participate in a local author expo on October 21.

Otherwise, I will be less present to the world and respond to messages very slowly.

The goal is to complete (or come very, very close) to completing the BryonySeries guidebook by the end of the retreat.

But I am a long, long way from home right now (cue Foreigner).

Wish me luck!

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