Thursday, May 16, 2024

It's So Pretty!

My two oldest sons called back-to-back late on Mother's Day evening to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. 

That worked out wonderfully as I'd had a very long, very intense working Sunday (I only sent my own mother a Happy Mother's Day text).

I let Joshua know that Leila had a gift coming but it would not arrive until Tuesday (it actually arrived on Wednesday).

Then he said I had one coming, too (also on Tuesday), from Canada of all places.

Well, it did show up in the mail on Tuesday and it was from New York.

But it's not important if the gift came from Canada or New York when it comes from the heart, right?

Anyway, I opened it and cried out, "It's so pretty!" 

As Joshua said, the necklace has the blue as well as the vintage look I like so much.

Scroll through the photos and see.

Especially since the box had a message of its own.

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