Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bertrand (and I) Go to Art Camp

On July 17, Bertrand the Mouse and I were the special guests at an art camp offered by Dottie's Art Studios in Plainfield.

Bertrand visited one class; I visited three, with students ranging from the very young to teens, depending on the class.

At each class, I read for fifteen to twenty minutes from one of my books (Bertrand and the Lucky Clover, Cornell Dyer and the Missing Tombstone, and Staked!) and then gave the books away.

This was a terrific idea (not mine). As an author, I can't express how gratifying it was to see the resulting artwork, all based on scenes from the books.

And, of course, Bertrand had a great time being passed around, checking out the kids' drawings, and meeting everyone.

Here is a brief pictorial recap, compliments of the art studio.

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