Monday, July 24, 2017

July 15: Sharing a Birthday with a Granddaughter

When I was a child, I used to check the list of "famous birthdays" in a magazine that came inside The Herald-News, but (at least back in the day), no one of importance was ever listed for July 15.

That changed last year with the birth of my second granddaughter, partly by God's design, partly by my daughter-in-law Amber's decision. You see, when Amber learned her due date was near my birth date, she let her doctor know her goal was to schedule her third C-section on that day.

Everything worked out according to plan. One year later, family and friends gathered at a Morris park to commemorate the two "Maries:" Riley Marie, named after her grandmother; and Denise Marie, named after her grandmother.

It was a great day.

The birthday girl Riley Marie telling the world she's No.1!

(Top and below): Riley's big brother Ezekiel and her big sister Jessica enjoy the balloons.

Riley's cousin and my grandson Micah.

Another cousin and grandson: Micah's little brother Zechariah.

My youngest son "Uncle Daniel" pushes Ezekiel on the merry-go-round.

Soon the others want to ride, too. My oldest son Christopher does the honors. In the background is Riley's dad (my son Joshua) and my sister and only sibling Karen.

Ezekiel "helps" Riley blow out her candle.

Jessica patiently waits for more cake.

Riley thoroughly enjoys her birthday cake.

Riley opens her presents with the help of her sister Jessica and her mother Amber.

Riley's dad tries out one of her new toys.

Riley has fun with her Aunt Rebekah (my youngest daughter).

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