Wednesday, July 26, 2017


This was the unwelcome side effect of last week's art camp.

Since I'm much smarter than I used to be back in the day, I came prepared: one cooler full of frozen water bottles. I figured this would be enough, since we were stopping for lunch and would spend most of our time inside.

I was wrong on two counts. Most of the places Rebekah wanted to see were closed on Mondays, so spent the heat of the day in the, well, heat.

We walked and talked and saw parks. And honestly, we had a great time. I didn't feel "off" until the last hour.

But I know how to rehydrate: water, salt, Gatorade. And I did when I got home.

And woke up in the middle of the night more parched than I've ever been in my life. That was Monday night. By Wednesday night, it was no better. I decided if I wasn't better by morning, tight deadlines or no tight deadlines (although I was tempted to wait until Saturday), I would go to quick care.

I wasn't, and I did. Wound up needing two bags of fluid, of which poured into my withered frame in forty-five minutes. And I lost half a day of work. It's been a struggle to catch up. Sigh.

I didn't immediately feel better  but was instructed to keep on drinking LOTS of water and Gatorade all day (even more than the "lots" I already drink). The parch-ness began dissipating by evening.

I knew I was prone to dehydration, but never realized it could still happen with precautions. I'll be taking more of them in the future.

So all's well that ends well.

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