Monday, July 1, 2024

The Blog I Didn't Write This Morning

 Good morning!

Last week I posted "The Blogs I Didn't Finish This Week" (which you can read here, since Blogger isn't letting me link to it).

And I am now following that up with "The Blog I Didn't Write This Morning."

I finished up an extremely busy month with six straight extremely busy work days, which also followed two family emergencies and other challenges thrown into the mix.

But June is behind us, July is before us, and a new set of opportunities is laid out ahead of us, including the opportunities to finish those drafts. 

Will one of those opportunities include a jump in the lake? We shall see! (Summer is not summer top me with lakes and swimming pools).

This morning, I'm enjoying the cooler weather before the temperatures soar upward again.

I'm thankful Faith is looking alert and relaxed after a few difficult days for her.

I'm excited for BryonySeries to be part of the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre's Independence Celebration (details are here). 

I'm grateful to The Book Market in Crest Hill for our summer display and sale (again, details are here).

And I'm so appreciative to you, dear reader, for popping into this blog this morning. Wish me luck that I'm able to finish at least one of those drafts tonight.

Let's make this day an amazing day!

Happy Monday!

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