Saturday, February 17, 2024

Calkins Day 2024: Six Photos and a Bit of Commentary

Good morning Here is a quick recap, a few links, and six photos of our Calkins Day celebration on Tuesday.

Calkins Day (Feb. 13) is the BryonySeries' official holiday. It's a day to celebrate laughter, imagination, and generosity.

We held Calkins Day 2024 in a similar format and in the same location (The Book Market in Crest Hill) as Calkins Day 2023. We built our celebration around local authors and independent authors in order to help grow Ed's library of such authors and provide a little exposure for these authors. 

Basically, if you wrote a book, you could take home one of Ed's books for free if you gave him one of yours. Readers (anyone else who hadn't written a book) could talk Ed out of a book in various ways. That wasn't difficult to do, since he was eager to give his books away.

You see, Ed is not only a real person, he's also a ruthless dictator/Irish vampire in this bookthis book, and this book in the BryonySeries, is also an author in the series. After he published his first novel, he joined WriteOn Joliet. Ed was/is overjoyed to meet so many authors on the local level and buy and read their books. That's why this format of a Calkins Day celebration (which is also Ed's birthday) really appeals to him.

This year for the first time, Ed and Nancy hosted the entire event from beginning to end. I handled a little of the marketing, brought the books, including Ed's latest ("The Fifth"), took a few photos (fewer than I've ever taken), and enjoyed myself.

Approximately a dozen people came out, including one man from Arlington Heights and Chicago poet Alan Hines, who won a beautiful painting Nancy created and gave away just for the occasion, and who is having his own signing at The Book Market today from noon to 4 p.m.

Here is why we celebrate Calkins Day.

Here is how to celebrate Calkins Day.

Who is Ed Calkins? Here is a twenty-question interview with the real Ed Calkins.

Enjoy the photos. Happy Saturday!


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