Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday Morning Thoughts After a Working Weekend

Thankful...that's how I feel.

I remember my first freelance features story for The Herald-News in May 1999 when I, a single mother of six children ages 2 to 15, was wondering how we would survive, how we would still carve out a family life when I needed to work so much, and how they would grow up to be wonderful people when my attention needed to be diverted away from them so much.

While watching the field of journalism change from 1999 through the end of 2013, it never occurred to me I might ever become an employee. Instead, I built out my freelance career and accepted additional opportunities from other clients.

My youngest son earned his GED in November 2013 when he was just barely 17. He had already been taking classes at Joliet Junior College since January.

In December 2013, I learned Shaw Media had bought The Herald-News. I thought that was the end of the freelance writing as a full-time job and resolved to look for work after our family Christmas in January 7.

Instead, a work colleague urged me to submit my resume since I was the ideal candidate (in her opinion) for the position. So I did, never dreaming I'd get a response.

But I did. And I was sitting in a chair as a new employee in The Herald-News office on January 15, 2014. So I guess the kids and I all graduated from our homeschooling experiences together.

"Thankful" really does sum up how I feel.

In 1999, I wound up working three independent contractor jobs for The Herald-News. I was home-based and my kids were nearby for all three jobs. My connection with The Herald-News allowed me to both work and raise my children and not choose between the two.

My children learned their keen work ethic through Herald-News related job opportunities. And we lacked no family life. It wasn't the same as in the past. But nothing stays in the past. So we must keep what we can and carve out the new.

I even met my second husband through delivering newspapers for The Herald-News.

One side fun fact: I was sick my first day as an employee at The Herald-News, although I didn't realize it until I walked out the door - I was that overwhelmed by my new role.

Ten years later, I'm telling hospital staff it was my 10th work anniversary. That's because on July 15, 2024, I was hospitalized for my second bout of diverticulitis in five months.

So I came into the role sick and spent a milestone anniversary sick. Hey, at least I'm consistent!

And in true journalistic fashion, it's now time to figure out WHY I'm having these repeat attacks, despite my good lifestyle habits.

Finally, you should know all six kids grew up into some of the nicest people you will ever want to mee.

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