Tuesday, January 23, 2024

From Wales, With Love

I about nine years read "A Candle in her Room," by Ruth M. Arthur, which left me with a fondness for Wales and to visit the country one day.

I've never gone - but now I have family there, family that will move to the U.S. in a month or so.

My son Joshua's engaged to a woman who lives in Wales, and he's visited her several times. She has a daughter; they have a son together; and all three spent a month and a half at Joshua's house in November and early December.

I met them shortly after they arrived, the day after we were scheduled to humanely euthanize Faith (which we never did at all - Faith turned the corner an hour before the veterinarian arrived and is still here).

We had already chatted for months on social media, so I felt like we already knew each other. And they brought some sweet gifts for me. She based them on what she knew of me, making them all the sweeter.

But :family" is really the best gift of all. Joshua hosted Thanksgiving at his house the day after Thanksgiving. Around the table (last photo), were his three children, his bay (in his arms) her daughter, and the son of Daniel's ex-girlfriend Cindy, who is still family.

I may never visit Wales. But Wales has touched my life in more wonderful ways than a vacation across the ocean ever could.

Happy Tuesday!

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