Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Glimpse at "The Fifth" by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

I've been hard at work copyediting "The Fifth" by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, since the goal is to have books for Calkins Day on Feb. 13.

"The Fifth" is the second book in Ed's "Ruthless" trilogy.

Here is a glimpse at the back cover summary and the cover.

Ed's lovely wife Nancy Calkins created the cover and all the chapter heading images.


Summary of "The Fifth" by Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara

Vampires in Munsonville elude the control of both the living and the dead.

And five particular vampires cause most of the trouble.


John Simons is about to be staked, but he’s already a suspect in five murders.


Henry Mathews is already staked but is still writing attack pieces for the Post.


Kellen Wechsler is responsible for at least one murder. But is he the puppeteer or just the puppet? If he is a puppet, who pulls the strings?


Susan Betts is just missing. Where did she go and why is Kellen looking so hard for her?


Ed Calkins, the world’ first Irish vampire, is psychotic just enough to be dangerous. As a ruthless dictator, he'll hurt your feelings.


But as five vampires are wreaking havoc, five living beings are working to keep Beulah County safe: Sheriff Matt, who’s unlikely to win reelection; Trudy, a capable, but alcoholic deputy; Marsha, a new deputy, inexperienced with the supernatural and carrying her own baggage; Eircheard, a leprechaun, willing to help at a price; and Glorna, a wood sprite, who replaced a recently killed occultist but should be somewhere – and someone – else.

Can these five living players bring law and order to the undead world? Or will vampires consume the blood of every living creature till there are no more?

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