Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Fate of the Last Chocolate Rabbit

So last week I shared my dilemma and indecisiveness regarding whether or not I should eat my very last chocolate Easter rabbit any time soon.

The house was completely devoid of chocolate. So you can understand my confliction. 

I am happy to report I am no longer out of chocolate.

Rebekah bought me this bar that you see below, and I am slowly working my way through it, one square at a time.

That means I don't eat the five pieces at a time that the package counts as a serving. I eat just one square at a time, one after lunch, one after dinner.

At that rate, this bar should last a good week (or more, if I eat it more slowly).

With my chocolate craving temporarily assuaged by a bar that could potentially last two weeks in the freezer, the last chocolate Easter rabbit is still safe on my shelf (in front of a two-year-old Valentine's Day candy basket from Rebekah, which is in front of a pen/pencil holder Sarah made for me in Brownies day camp more than thirty years ago. Yes, I still use it).

Yes, the last chocolate rabbit is safe from me.

For now.

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