Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Sue's Diner: Buttermilk Bread

Temperatures in the Midwest will rise to the 70s today, so maybe comfort food is not on your agenda right now.

But even if the weather is warm or cold, who can resist the aroma and flavor of homemade bread?

We have a delicious, easy-to-make bread recipe to share with you today.

In Bryony, Melissa is thrilled when John finally invites her to a picnic away from the mansion, just the two of them. 

Of course, John feels Bryga packed enough food to feed them for a week, but even that careless remark couldn’t completely dampen Melissa’s excitement of being alone with John.

Packed in this basket was, of course, a loaf of buttermilk bread, which, coincidentally, has been a family favorite and the signature bread in the Baran-Unland home for decades.

Try this recipe on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website. 

But try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place. 

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries

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