Thursday, November 3, 2022

She Wants to be a Tree

With few exceptions, I am the Angel of Death to plants.

Don't "home" a plant with me. It will not survive.

True, a friend started a little patio flower garden for me this past summer. And with proper amounts of water, the garden did thrive and brought beauty to my corner of the world for several months.

Now it appears I have a houseplant that wants to be a tree.

Either I did something right. Or I have a monster plant.

In October 2016, a job shadower thanked me for her time by presenting me with a plant. My Facebook memories tell me she is a Croton.

After getting some suggestions on social media, I named her Chloe "Lucky" Hawk.

This is Chloe's baby picture.

And here is Chloe celebrating her first Christmas.

Here is Chloe is June 28 with Pinky Tuscadero. I received Pinky from the Joliet Area Retired Teachers Association as a gif for speaking to the group about self-publishing at a lunch.

Pinky did not survive for very long under my care.

Chloe switched from becoming an office plant to a house plant in 2020 during the shutdown. By then, she had outgrown her original container. Timothy transplanted her to a larger one.

But Chloe outgrew that container, too. Here she is, newly transplanted (again) in May 2021.

Chloe has recently experienced another growth spirt and will soon need another transplantation.

So to any plant experts who might be reading this, I have three questions:

1) Is this typical of Crotons?

2) What is her lifespan?

3) How much taller/larger etc. is she expected to grow?

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