Tuesday, July 5, 2022


I have always loved dolls.

Baby dolls.

Liddle Kiddles.

Flower, necklace, pop bottle, storybook Kiddles.


Walking and talking dolls.

Chrissy and Velvet dolls (which I've never owned - yet. But I did have a smaller "Mikki" doll whose hair grew the same way).

Dawn dolls.

Rock Flower dolls

Paper dolls: perforated, with tabs or magnets, and even those cut from store catalogues.

My sister and I had dozens of story arcs for our dolls: Janice and Joey, Mary and Sherry,  Rock Flower storyline that involved poppies (don't ask). The list goes on.

A few months ago, I found "Nancy," one of my original dolls on Etsy.

More specifically, I found an exact replica. My Nancy had a smashed thumb, and I have no idea what happened to her.

Now I'd named Nancy as a very little girl for an older third cousin, since my cache of names I'd encountered in my short life was small.

I'd had another one named after a relative - or the relative of a relative. Her name was Lynne. She had a plastic head and limbs and a cloth body. Lynne developed a rip, so I handed her over for repair. I never saw her again.

And I don't remember who Lynne was.

But I did buy Nancy off Etsy, and she came in her original pink dress. I hadn't held her in more than forty years.

My kids think she looks creepy.

But they don't understand.

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