Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Rock Flowers: Heather

So on July 23, I received one last birthday surprise.

An unopened Rock Flower doll, Heather, Ironically, Heather was the first Rock Flower I ever saw (a friend had her) or owned.

The Christmas I was in the fifth grade, which we spent at my cousin's house in Naponoch, New York. I received two and my sister received two. I don't quite remember who received which doll, but by the time we traded, I had Doug and Iris (a little more rare than the other three), and my sistser had Heather and Lilac.

We never owned any of the other clothes, and we never owned the fifth doll, Rosemary, as much as we begged for her.

Each doll came with a plastic record with two songs (A side and B side) and a plastic stand that went on the record, so the doll could "dance" with the song.

To see how that works (with Heather) and to hear her record (and, yes, I can still "sing along" - every word), watch this video

And here is the song on the flip side.

So, of course, I have the same dilemna as I have with the Kologne Kiddles.

Because, you see, Daniel bought me a turntable for Christmas.

So if I open the box, I can place the doll in her stand, set her on top of the turntable, and...

Or, I can just start collecting some dolls that are not in the box.

But I'll bet they won't come with the little shoes (the first thing to be lost) or with the sunglasses (the first thing to be broken - they are attached with string).

And now I want a Crissy doll (which I always wanted and never owned). And a Velvet doll (never had one of those, either).

And a Timey Tell.

But did have a Charmin' Chatty. And now I want one of those, too.

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