Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Halfway Point (Yes, a Retreat Update and Encouraging Words for All)

Today is Wednesday, and it's usually the day I become grouchy and fed-up with the entire process.

I actually kind of hit that Monday through yesterday, in pieces. I think I'm over it.

What helped?

Last night I was working on a chapter I'd started one night because it was a good chapter for writing at night, you know, mood and all.

But to get back into it, I had to re-read parts of it. And some of it was actually pretty good. That was extremely encouraging.

So if you need encouragement today, here's my suggestion. Step back from the trees a moment and look at the forest. Review what's gone right and what you've done well.

It sounds simple, right? So simple, we often don't do it.

Lose your temper today? Remind yourself where you kept it.

Missed an opportunity to be kind? Remind yourself when you didn't.

Bathroom won't pass CDC inspections? Yes, but all the laundry is done. (OK, some of the laundry. Or at least you've bought laundry detergent).

Burned the chicken? But the mashed potatoes are wonderfully fluffy.

Your writing sucks? So does mine. But apparently not all of it.

You fell off the diet? But you've also spent weeks increasing your portions of fresh vegetables.

Build on the comments at the right. Root out the other ones, the weeds in your goals.

Keep planting your dreams and celebrating your harvest.

All the even chapters of The Phoenix or fifteen chapters. I can't tell if I'm slightly behind or slightly ahead. I'm looking at two partial chapters today and one complete one. So right on track?

Finish formatting Lycanthropic Summer. Since I want to release it by October 1, this is important

Finish the last two chapters of Cornell Dyer and the Old Folks Home and copy edit it. My goal is three books a year. I'm just on the first one. So I'm way behind.

Finish formatting WriteOn Joliet's fourth anthology. This is even more first and foremost than The Phoenix.

Get the content Rebekah needs for a new website. Can't move forward without this. Better make it a priority.

Get Rebekah the photos she needs for the new Bertrand book. The goal is three a year. We released one last year. Again, way behind.

So far:

Nearly two chapter drafts of The Phoenix each day, and that's it.

Slightly behind, but yesterday was a day of intermittent interruptions and one health emergency for my oldest son.

But at this rate, I'll have all of the chapters of The Phoenix drafted by Saturday morning.

And I'll still have the weekend to finish the plan.

That is the plan from a Wednesday morning point of view.

Illustration by Christopher Gleason for "Staked!"

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