Thursday, August 27, 2020

Almost to 500,000 (and Retreat Update)

As I write this, I am just 1, 702 away from 500,000 total views. I realized as I wrote the title that someone might think 500,000 words this week. Ha, I'm not even close to being that good.

Now, it did take slightly over a decade to reach it (My first post was Aug. 1, 2010), and the blog still doesn't show many followers, but I've found anyone can "like" or "follow" and that means little compared to people who read faithfully over time.

And I'm sure any vague number of those views are bots. But not all of them.

Writing, as a career or dedicated hobby, is a long game. While some people may get lucky, or even rewarded or even blessed in the early stages, many of us need to write and revise long and often to build up relationships and trust with readers.

Speaking of relationships and trust, the writing retreat is entering its home stretch. For those who have virtually taken this journey with me in the form of checking into this blog, how am I coming along with the goals with just four days left?

All the even chapters of The Phoenix or fifteen chapters. This is first and foremost. Four chapters to go, two today and two tomorrow. I think it's do-able. Keep in mind most of the writing is weak, sloppy, and not fit for readers at this stage. But it's out of me and into the computer, where it belongs. That's a good start, I think, and we are talking about 30,000 words or so in the span of a week.

Finish formatting Lycanthropic Summer. Since I want to release it by October 1, this is important. However, I am moving this project to next weekend. The art isn't ready to go yet, so I won't gain anything by getting it done this week, and I will lose the time for other projects if I tackle it now.

Finish the last two chapters of Cornell Dyer and the Old Folks Home and copy edit it. My goal is three books in this series a year, and I'm just on the first one for 2020. So, yes, I'm way behind. The plan as of today is to finish writing the last two chapters on Sunday afternoon, a gentle way to end the retreat. Copy editing can wait until next weekend (maybe even one chapter at a time after work this week since the chapters are short and light).

But first on Sunday, I plan to sift through hundreds of work email. I don't want to waste valuable time on Monday with this task, and it's a way to transition my mind back where it needs to be.

Finish formatting WriteOn Joliet's fourth anthology. This is even more first and foremost than The Phoenix. However, the week went askew, so this will be completed on Saturday.

Get the content Rebekah needs for a new website. By Saturday.

Get Rebekah the photos she needs for the new Bertrand book. The goal is three books in this series a year. We released one last year. Again, way behind. A new book, and possibly three, is now in the "works."

Even though the end of the retreat is in sight, it's not over yet, and it's important I stay the course as much as possible. No sleeping hare habits for me!

True, life can intervene. And if it does, I'll have my priorities in order.

Still - it would feel nice to make the goal.

Don't you agree?

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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